Last Friday I'm not sure if you saw it, but President Cottle gave us permission to watch the funeral for Elder Perry. I loved it. It actually reminded me of something I had read earlier that day in Jesus The Christ. In that book, it talks about how often the 12 fought and squabbled over who was more righteous than who, and who would have a higher position in the Lord's kingdom. It also said how much it made Christ sad that they would fight over this all the time. So after He died, and came back to visit them as a resurrected being, he commanded them that they should love each other as brothers, so much so that the world would see them and remark on how close they were together, that they were to try to love each other as much as Christ loved them. It was really cool reading about this, and how they did become famed throughout the land for their closeness, and then seeing the funeral for Elder Perry, a modern member of the 12 apostles, and how much the quorum loved him and each other. All 14 of them were honorary pallbearers, and you could see in their faces that they really loved each other. It was cool to see that and realize that the command from Christ for His Apostles to love each other deeply wasn't just for the ancient times, but also for the modern times, and it was so awesome to see that it was still in effect and being followed.
Speaking of, two weeks when I started personal study in the field, I started Jesus The Christ, and I finished it today. It really is an amazing book. I love the things it talks about. I think everyone should read it, Mormon or not, because it gives such a great insight into the Savior of the World.
I also started True to the Faith this morning. Something I realized when reading the definition of "body piercings' is how it says something to the effect of not piercing the body except for medicinal purposes. (And women and girls can have one in each ear.) It surprised me that it said except for medicinal purposes, because I couldn't think of any reason why a body piercing would be considered medicinal, but then I realized that it isn't so much the piercing as we generally think of it, but also with needles in the case of drugs or other non medicinal substances, cutting of any kind, etc. If you think of the word piercing, it really is if anything penetrates the boundary of the skin. So the counsel to not have body piercings has more to it then what we generally think about.
As to this area, I absolutely love Warner Robins 1st ward! It is a lot smaller than more the wards in the mission, and some of those "wards" are really branches. There is a lot of work to be done here that we haven't done yet. We have 9 people on date to be baptized in the month of July (3 of whom I invited to be baptized). I think that 3 of those are a for sure date, 2 are a high probability, and the rest might get pushed back a little. We had 7 investigators at church yesterday, which is the most it seems like has ever happened in the whole mission withe the responses we are getting from everyone when we report. It's pretty crazy.
I still wake up every day at 3:55 to help a recent convert in the ward, and he managed to go without cigarettes today so far, which is an improvement because most often his smoking occurs in the morning when he first gets to work. We hope he can quit completely soon, because he is preparing to go to the temple with his wife in the near future. (His year date is in July).
Life really is awesome here! The only thing I don't like about Georgia is the bugs. I have at least 20 bugbites on my legs, and it almost looks like someone stuck the burning end of a cigarette on my leg. Plus they are super itchy, but I'm dealing. Unfortunately, it only gets worse from here, because we aren't even in the summer months yet.
Love you all and I hope everything is going well!
Your favorite missionary daughter
-Sister Monica Walker
I love that Sister Applegate is always pushing me to do better. Every week we are supposed to think of something our companion can improve on, or let them know if there is anything that is super annoying that they do, and I have honestly thought of absolutely nothing since I got here. I also learn so much from her every week that it is hard to think of something that I can write that I learned. I guess the most prevalent thing she has taught me this week is that it doesn't really matter what my skill level is, whether I know the doctrine or not, or whether I'm super good at teaching or not, because really, it just matters if I bring the Spirit.
Living Section:
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